Big Rock 4-H Club
Leaders: JoAnn McEndree 523-4637, Paul Chatham 523-3428
Club meetings are the third Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. at the Baptist Chapel in Springfield.
Big Rock 4-H Club started in 1933 with 40 members at Deora, Colorado. The main leaders were Jim McEndree and Winnie Lancaster. Their assistants were Cecelia McEndree and Jess Lancaster. Big Rock is the oldest continuing club in the county.
In the early 40’s the club began holding its meeting at the Big Rock School. Early leaders include: Ralph Kelsey, Pete Gentzler, Leone Jagger, Hazel Brown, Lois Bamber, Barbara McEndree, Clyde McEndree, Grover Bamber, Vernon Chatham, Mary Chatham, Alma Bamber, Marge Herbert and Bill Herbert. In the early 2000s we started having our meetings in Springfield.
Community service projects included cleaning Maxey Cemetery, Big Rock School, and the area around the school and along Highway 287. In the later years for community service projects we have filled and hid Easter Eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, donated coats to Salvation Army, collected food for the Food Bank, donated to the Lion’s Toys for Tots program, cleaned ditches around town, and concessions at different activities.
Club members have competed in livestock and home economics judging, speech arts, fun festivals, and had livestock and general 4-H projects. Many projects have gone to State Fair. These have included guest meals, demonstrations, State Fair Style Review, livestock, and other general projects.
The club has had many All-Around boys and girls, County Council members, Council officers and has always had a leader advisor on the Council. Often members and leaders have held district and state offices.
In the past 20 years we have had 2 members hold State Officer roles, gone to National 4-H Congress, and National 4-H Conference. Several members have attended Washington Focus in Washington D. C., State 4-H Conference, Youth Fest, C and C Camp, LDC Conference, and Be Somebody Day Camp.
In 2017, we had around 50 members. Big Rock holds their meetings on the third Sunday of the month at 2 pm at the Baptist Chapel in Springfield.